Channel: view video News from BuzzFeed on April 22, 2014 at 1:10 AM
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Democratic Congressman: NSA Deputy Director "Idiotic""Extraordinarily Disrespectful Of The Constitution"

BuzzFeed - Rep. Peter Welch, a Democrat from Vermont, has harsh words for comments that NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett made at a recent TED talk. Ledgett said, “President Madison would have been proud” of the process to authorize the NSA’s activities. "It's idiotic, what he just said. It's extraordinarily disrespectful of the Constitution and extraordinarily disrespectful of the privacy rights of the American citizens," Welch said in a radio interview with Democracy Now that aired Wednesday. View Video › "It's idiotic, what he just said. It's extraordinarily disrespectful of the Constitution and extraordinarily disrespectful of the privacy rights of the American citizens. Here's why: Jim Sensenbrenner was a conservative Republican who helped write the law. In what he — and he's appalled by the overreach of the intelligence-gathering agencies and the NSA. And here's why. There was, in the law, the right to go to the FISA court on the

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